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Numerology Books

These books have been written by Soul Explorer (Katie Youers).

The latest book “Remember Your Life Plan” is a great introduction and has been written for people starting out on their Numerology journey.

The more advanced “Numerology Reader” series goes into much more depth and has been written for people who already have a basic understanding of Numerology.

They are available from Amazon in e-book and hard copy formats.

Remember Your Life Plan

Remember Your Life Plan Book

Whilst writing my number blending book trilogy, I was inspired to write a prequel or beginners book for those that are totally new to Numerology. This book provides you as a newbie with all of the building blocks or number energies within your Life Plan and how each energy works depending on its place within your plan. Your life plan is your blueprint for this life time or what you planned to achieve before you were born into your current body.

My passion for numerology pushed me to jump straight to writing advanced number blending books because I was dissatisfied with the lack of information on how chart numbers effect each other. So, in this book, I’ve gone back to my roots to provide you with a foundation of knowledge for you to blend and grow from. You will be reminded of why you are here, what you came to achieve and what you brought with you in your ‘Tool Box’ to help you to achieve this task.

If you do not want your life purpose imposed on you by ‘the system’ then this book will remind you what your soul’s REAL life purpose is. The ‘system’ or ‘paradigm’ that you grow up in wants to shape you, your beliefs, values, skills, opinions and more to keep you under control for their benefit but you have a personal purpose that only you can achieve.

Remember Your Life Purpose

Have you ever wondered, why am I here? Do I have a life purpose? Numerology can answer that question for you.

The day, month, and year that you were born are all you need to remind yourself of what you agreed with your spiritual guide before you incarnated in this life time.

If you are looking for answers about why you are here and you would like to analyse your ‘life lessons’ for your potential personal and spiritual development, then this book is for you. You can use this detailed book to help you to be a numerology reader for others as a practitioner.

The ‘system’ or ‘paradigm’ that you grow up in shapes you, your beliefs, values, skills, opinions and more. The sobering truth is that the paradigm shapes and indoctrinates you depending on what the leaders of that paradigm want to achieve. If you do not want your life purpose imposed on you by ‘the system’ then this book will remind you what your REAL life purpose is.

Remember Your Talents

Have you ever wondered why you find some things easy and others difficult? Current thinking is that it is a mix of nature and nurture, your genetic propensities, and your life experience.

Numerology can offer a spiritual explanation for this ongoing debate. Your ‘Birth Song’ or the name that you were given at birth is all you need to remind yourself of the talents that you brought with you in your ‘Tool-Box’ when you incarnated in this lifetime.

If you are looking for spiritual explanations for your strengths and weaknesses and how you can use your talents to help you to achieve your Life Path challenges or ‘life lessons’, then this book is for you. This is the second of my trilogy of books that will give you all the information you need to read for clients as a Numerologist.

This book reminds you of your current, karmic, and emerging talents that you possess in your ‘Tool-box’ to help you to achieve your purpose.